the new CEO

18 Apr 2005

strange that
on the phone
her voice was sweet 
as we talked about 
my prospects in this firm
her lips glowed (i think)
as she offered to 
lend me an assistive hand
in my new role 
in this firm 
her legs wiggled (i think)
as she let me know 
she will be able to take my calls
whenever i am busy 
tho she was not to be my secretary 
her eyes sparkled
as i gave her my name 
'beautiful name' she said 
deceived by my model C accent 
that when she found me waiting 
in the waiting room
she exchanged no greetings
just a nasty glance towards me
that when i asked to seee the HR manager 
she assumed i am looking for work
why did it not cross her mind that 
i am the new CEO in this firm 
strange that
when quizzed if Mr Hamilton has come 
she answered in the negative
looking around
a look that went over my dark skin 
stranger that 
when i indicated that I am Hamilton 
she frowned in disgust 
YES I am black
and my name is 
Mthathiwezizwe Mkhonto wesize Hammilton 
maybe i should rid myself this slave name
maybe i should just use it again to my advantage






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