Ermine – my chat - and my brush with a Chooch Wadding

19 Dec 2014

Tuesday morning…….

I was privileged to have a chat
with Ermine early today.

Alone I was, hoovering crumbs
from free-trade coffee morn,
when her call came up to me.

Down I crouched - with a twinge,
And there she was, poking out of her dingy hole.

I sympathised on her loss of Egregious Mozart
and thought to explain ‘church’ and ‘church warden’.

“Of course I know,” she said with much perception
– “’chooch’ and ‘chooch wadding’…….”


But then who entered through the door?
But chooch wadding so proper and tall
“What is it with you so flat on the floor?

“It’s but a spiritual exercise  -
learnt from the medieval and much-loved  Blessed Hieronymus Bendoveritch.”

I muttered -

and left…….

12 August 2014

This event was most embarrassing.  I don’t know what the church warden thought of me doing my spiritual exercises crouching on my knees in the corner of the Church Centre……






Love creativity - especially writing - poems especially. Love my wife, cats, our church, reading, warm weather (so rare here!) and snow - quite common these days - even in spring....

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