New Beginnings

19 Aug 2015

It was an autumn day
Sunny skies and chilly breezes
My heart felt heavy
As did the coat on my shoulders
I wandered aimlessly
Through colorful shops and restless crowds
And then it happened--
I saw him
As he strode across the sidewalk
His eyes fixed on his feet,
Lost in thought
My heart called out to his:
Do we know each other?
His gaze finally found me
And something flickered across his face
What was it? I questioned
It was something, but what?
It was perhaps regret, sadness
Willing myself to see
What I wanted to see
But wasn’t there
For in reality had flashed
In his eyes a hidden shadow of… nothing
My heart’s question
Left unanswered, ignored
As with a distant, indifferent smile
Unaffected by fresh memories
He wished me a good day
And hurried on his way
What happened to all we had?
Was it a dream I woke up from?
The unshed tears burned in my eyes
Begging to be cried as I stared
At his retreating form
And with each step he took, I felt him walk
Farther away from me, from my life… forever.
He soon disappeared 
Lost among all the bodies
Without faces, that came and went
As he became
Just one more
One more drop in a sea of strangers
In that moment my heart
Beat for him for the last time
I swallowed the tears and pain
Put a lock on the door to the past
I breathed, took a small step
Turned away and began my walk
Toward home and toward the future
I set my heart free and
Let it soar and fly upon
Autumn’s winds of gold
Nostalgia In the air
Prelude to winter's lullabies
And as the rose beneath the snow
Would wilt and die and fade away
This love too would soon become
But a memory of seasons past
Ellipsis gone--instead, a period
For on that autumn day 
The ending of our story ended.
But with lighter steps I mused...
No one mourns for all the flowers
That die by winter’s reign
Instead we wait for all the new ones
That spring gives us again
And so I said to my deserted heart:
Everybody has it wrong
All these years I thought we needed
Happy endings, but today
I learned that
What we truly need
Is new beginnings.

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~ "Change the world with your pen. Touch souls with your words, and awaken cold, slumbering hearts with the warm, powerful rays of poetry." -Yusita

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