To Disappear Completey

05 Jul 2010

To Disappear Completely
I squeezed shut my eyelids
Within the wall of clinking glasses
And murmuring reverent voices
Of blackened figures;
I wished to disappear
From painful weeping far-off siblings
And hardened harsh pulsating airwaves
Cruel upon our chests;
But I remained alone
Surrounded by their rustling black suits
And smudges close to hanging black veils
Shielding bright ages;
I could not leave her then,
Despite the soulless breathless visions
And loss of screaming irate urges
To grasp at her hands;
I saw her at my side
Wrapped tightly in our velvet bed sheets
And she drew them around my frail arms,
Just like the old days.






I'm into poetry that flows through me, more as an emotional art-form than a traditional construction, but I do appreciate most of it.

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