November 11, a personal perspective

18 May 2004

Remembrance Day, in many nations observed,
To honour the fallen, who their countries had served! 
This date to me? much my mind has in store;
Please bide awhile, as I tell you some more!
Mickey Drippin' the first, was born on this day,
And just who may he be, did I hear you say?
Integrity, humour, great compassion he had;
I am speaking of course, of my wonderful Dad!
Armistice Day...fighting, warring nations suspend,
The war to end wars, finally comes to an end!
Great jubilation, the world goes quite mad,
" 'Cos I'm 21!,"...a broad grin from my Dad!
As we law students outside exam hall assembled,
Crying, in shock, one stood there and trembled!
The news just received, which'd made her distraught:
Her fugitive father, Braam Fischer'd  been caught!
Did not write exam...her year's studies in vain;
Since that fateful day, did not see her again!
Posthumous honour on him lately bestowed:
To Advocate Fischer, the struggle much owed!
After exam called on Dad, now aged sixty eight;
"Smith's UDI!" screamed The Star's city late!
Rhodesia vilified, then Zimbabwe was born;
Which sadly once more, with strife is now torn!
Last but not least, nearly ten years ago,
A little boy born...our lives are aglow!
Severely challenged, yet so full of fun;
Love unconditional, my little grandson!
Don't see much of him, away many miles;
Daughter and family, in Notts, British Isles!
Re-unions now fewer, but precious and dear;
Laughs, smiles aplenty, the occasional tear!






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