Woman at Ellis Island

07 Jul 2017

azure warrior
An anonymous Katya or Magda
with a simple peasant face, yet with eyes of intensity-
you look at the camera with candor...
There's nothing pretentious here, no flashiness or dazzle, just your rustic beauty atypical yes, a woman as intriguing as the Mona Lisa's smile and those eyes unforgettable like those of another green-eyed girl gracing National Geographic's cover.
Your many necklaces seem out of place and I think of Mardi Gras beads- so oddly juxtaposed with your otherwise plain garb.
Rumanian, Russian, Slovak perhaps I almost recognize your blouse's embroidery from my own Magyar roots. What are you thinking? the answer is obscured behind your striking gaze, riveting but demure...
And I wonder do you have a husband, children? have you left fields and home in haste?
Are you an immigrant or refugee? either way lady, have courage and hope and never lose your earthy sincerity and don't go chasing glamor, thought there's plenty here in this New World- just remember from where you came; I know such things for I too, am a daughter of diasporas.

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azure warrior

I have been writing poetry since my late teens. My usual topics are: society and politics, introspection, spirituality, nature and relationships. I have achieved some modest publishing successess, including 3 chapbooks and 3 books. Among the writers...

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