Where it all started

10 Jan 2018

When the figure is no longer lying there
When his water's been washed down the drown
The stain is no longer anywhere to be seen
It's been removed by last nights rain
But the sadness I felt still lingers on
After all this time it's still here with me
I can still see it all as clear as back then
It is my earliest memory(Of Dad)

It was the day I first learned all about love
And a whole lot of other things
It troubled me then as I did'nt understand
About human frailty and the sadness it brings
It has haunted my dreams for many many years
As it did when I was a child
I simply could'nt make any sense of it all
So I just kept it all hidden inside

I had no idea what it was I was feeling
I have a much better understanding nowadays
Pity, compassion and an undying love
It's there now and will be always
A childhood memory from when I was four years old
I doubt if anyone but me really knows
Just what it is I am talking about
After all it is so long ago






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