Spirit Flight

25 Aug 2018

azure warrior
Butterflies and hummingbirds,
rainbow hued, delicate and winged-
they are like miniscule earthly angels,
they are jeweled symbols,
spanning cultures and time
and they cause me to wonder,
in many religions,
the "spirit" or "soul",
(our very essence)
seeks flight-
a release from the body's
freedom from this world's
present grounding...

To float upwards
and then soar,
to ascend to other realms-
whether in dreams or upon death,
or simply,
to get goose bumps,
to have a sense of awe- deja vu 
it's like a tinkling of bells,
heavenly harps.
it's our connection to the Mystery
-to the beautiful unknown.

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azure warrior

I have been writing poetry since my late teens. My usual topics are: society and politics, introspection, spirituality, nature and relationships. I have achieved some modest publishing successess, including 3 chapbooks and 3 books. Among the writers...

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