Night time demon

15 Nov 2019

As I lay awake again on this lonely and darkest of night
yes the disembodied demonic voice has spoken
to cause fright out of this demonic evil blight
I try not to listen and to forget
but he has my soul in a deep dark oubliette
where he tries to take my faith from me and thus make me forget
I squint my eyes to find the mere slightest of light
so consistently through the pitch black  I get verbal psychotic abuse
so I try to fight and fight and fight
but how do I fight and win against a disembodied demonic voice
believe me when I tell you demons do exist
they exist to infiltrate your mind and soul
and if or when they come you have to fight for your sanity for you have no choice

This poem is about a demonic voice I get during a bad night
even though I know in my mind it is not real and its a auditory hallucination it is real to me when its saying and being evil and derogatory in content
if you look inside your own mind preferably in a quiet dark room you too will hear things but if you do try to remember its you that is in control   







I have a mental health illness and I was a inpatient in a private secure mental health hospital not because i was a danger to the public but because i myself was the only person who was in danger from me was myself and that will reflect in my poetry...

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