All For You

28 Dec 2019

Mental Journey
It is at times like this
When tempers are strained,
That I don't understand
Why you don't understand
My intensions,

Tough my inspirations came
From somewhere else,
And the tings that you blame
On thinking only of myself,
Have been all for you

The stories I've told
Whether novel or poem
Was trying to leave
Something more than a home
My conversations with other people
Both women and men
Was me trying to learn
Small talk, and gain a friend,
Together they would help me
Learn to sell, and have something
To sell, to make extra
To protect and care for that home

My studying science
And delving into minutia
of mind and universe alike
Is to help to build a better
world, and heal the minds
Of our family whether
They are old or young,
All this so you need not fear
So you can live in peace
And enjoy good times for once

I don't know why you misunderstand
My intentions, why you think
I do things to hurt you
Or why you think I don't care,
Though I am not like other people
And I do things oddly
Everything that comes
From my mind and body
Are done all for you.

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Mental Journey

Mental Journey

I am on a journey of the mind. Contemplating the universe on every scale, and doing a complete introspective exploration. I may never be a literary academic, but I share my humble thoughts in hope that they may inspire others.

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