The Land Of Never

18 Mar 2020

I need to return to the land of never
A land i never came from
I need to return to the land of never
Where i will not meet up with everyone
In the land of never
There the angelic souls are brightly shone
I need to return to the land of never
Where there are angelic creatures of every shape and size
Some are simple and some are so wise
That they hold the knowledge of time and space
I need to return to the land of never
Where everyone is welcome
Even the human race
And creatures from outer space
I need to return to the land of never
Its easier if you travel there in you dreams
Beyond the cotton candy bushes
Up to the sugar stream
And cross the liquorice bridge
and past the lollipop orchid
And there you will find the land of never
And if you wake at this point
You will have to travel that way again 
if you want to return to the land of never 
you will have to do it all in your next nights dream

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I have a mental health illness and I was a inpatient in a private secure mental health hospital not because i was a danger to the public but because i myself was the only person who was in danger from me was myself and that will reflect in my poetry...

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