Clouds do Cry

30 Jun 2020

It was drizzling that day
nothing unusual
I was watching the little boy
put flowers in his father's grave
he was crying intensely.

The clouds came out of nowhere
I remembered my own Father
he taught me the famous phrase
"Nature is our friend, philosopher, and guide"
when I was a child.

Could it be, the clouds were aware
of his pain? The moment froze in time
A deep revelation dawned upon me.

I rushed to the boy. and said
" Cup your hands,
the water you see is not as it seems,
they are the teardrops of the clouds,
they just took away your pain."

"After some time, you will stop crying
go to bed and sleep, but they will go
to the old woman over there
and do the same to her
whether she knows or not."

"Imagine how great their pain is,
when thousand others like you
lose their father everyday."

When you grow to a big boy, 
you will no longer cry
but always cup your hands
like this when it rains
you will see, their tears haven't
changed, they are always there
weeping for you."

"Remember, the greatest of miracles
is found in the simplest of things
it is for you to seek them out."

Without stopping his tears
the boy asked quietly,
"Then they must also cry
when I happily jump in

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