
25 Nov 2020

No Me dejes sola I would hear her say
But my mind was made up, i'm not gonna stay.
Our life was  entangled in a spider web
All I could do was to move on instead. 

Nuestro Amor was sufficient at least we thought
But shame and embarrassment was all it brought
Nothing could really mend those late-night fights
Our enojos and orgullo had severed our ties.  

El coraje and tension kept  growing each  day 
There was nothing we could do to change our way
Things happened to us and we must move on 
Nuestra vida as we knew it is already gone.







I love to write about my life, my family, and my Christian values. We struggled growing up but our parents always found a way to provide us with what we needed. We grew up laborers, working in the fields in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Texas. My 8...

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