Our Goodbyes

28 May 2021

I pray every day 
that my God will take away
All the hurt inside of you 
all the struggles you go through.

it's so hard to explain
how you feel with every pain
I see you writhe to and fro
Trying to calm your every woe.

You try to get up from your bed
But you decide to sit instead. 
Your legs don't have any strength 
You can't even walk an arm's length.

You waited to call us as a last resort
Because you needed a little support
You wanted  to be moved around
Your back hurts where the sores abound. 

It's hard to see a strong abled  man 
Who never asked anyone for a hand
Lose the use of all his faculties 
Because of these horrible infirmities.  

The day you left to go with God
There were no notices from above
You left before we could say goodbye
We hope to see you in the sweet by and by!







I love to write about my life, my family, and my Christian values. We struggled growing up but our parents always found a way to provide us with what we needed. We grew up laborers, working in the fields in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Texas. My 8...

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