
11 Sep 2021

They paint a canvas in the dark before dawn.  The yellow blossoms of the evening primrose still dancing in the lunar light.  Colors from their brush yield a tapestry of mystifying images of hopes and dreams.  Soon the palette runs dry and the canvas reflects the brightening morning sky.  The rising sun steals the colors of their light and spreads them across the heavens for the dawn of day to slowly wash away.  The petals of the sundrop slowly wilt and float away in despair.  They quietly go their way and wait for the next bloom of the evening star, when they can spin their dreams once again in hopes the darkness finally holds off the dawn….

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My grammar is terrible, my spelling non existent and I have no idea what the form should even look like. But I am moved by the written word so I will throw anything on paper that seeps out of my warped brain...

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