The prophecy

26 Oct 2005

The coming of the Dark Ages is at hand.
Soon the Ancient Gods will return.
The Serpent will rise up from the sea
and ascend to his throne
that was built from the bones of the slaughtered billions.
Nature will be harsh and unforgiving.
It will punish Man for raping the earth.
Floods and plagues will destroy our cities.
And when Nature's fury is spent,
Then the Ancient Gods will return
to usher in the Dark Ages.
   Seek your shelter in the ruins of the graveyards.
   Seek your solace in the arms of the dead.
One winter of conflict.
One winter of sorrow.
One winter of darkness and pain.
The sky will turn black
as the Wolf eats the sun
and we enter the Twilight of Man.
On the terrible day of our Ragnarok
The sea will give forth its dead.
And every heart shall tremble
as the skies tear open
and the Dark Lords reclaim the earth.
   Seek your shelter in the ruins of the graveyards.
   Seek your solace in the arms of the dead.






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