Morning after the rain

22 Mar 2006

Heaven smiles and earth winks
and life, spring in its step
greets the new day, new Earth
on the morning after the rain …
I in childish admiration salute
a transformation which took 
presence upon itself and all 
in full agreement, full acceptance
to earth and man and even those
who willingly hold up half the sky
to congregate in telepathic unison.
Feathered ones wrote new songs
sung choir fashion, unrehearsed
avian flocks in angelic splendor
and canine, feline and bovine
made themselves as children.
My senses superhuman … I drink
each moment of this virgin dawn
each blade of grass that sparkles
each new stream that formed
that brings this oozing of life
And this be my plea, my cry
Just leave me not bewildered 
perfect morning, perfect day
but beguile me once again
as you have since I was small
for here I stand as child again,
and not as man, weeping silently 
at this Theophany …

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