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11 Feb 2009

J. Maw
Stretching langorously beneath the ever-
green sky, how long have you lain in earthly tempest,
my snow-bitten dreams are manifest?
These lumpy, arhythmic chains in discord,
the giant's backbone twists and drills
into the lustered depths and golden mills.
So long it's been since you've cured
from heaven's far, archaic pride;
the tears still frozen on the mountainside.
To ask for vengeance swift and cold,
glaciers of emotion that cant be felt
that runs its course to the river delt'.
When I lay down in fertile sun,
the lay of land, the alpine trail,
that keeps me going, soft and frail.


Myth, Legend



J. Maw

I care not so much what I am to others as what I am to myself. Michel de Montaigne

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