FOR YOU Tell me what a star is If it's just a mangled mess of exploded ashes that somehow someway turned into magic I want to be that too for you I want to make your dreams come true Cuz there's nothing I wouldn't do To trace each scar with outlined hearts show you how all your flaws are art And that your flame is hissing like The fiercest snake before it strikes Tell me what a song is If it's just a million screeching keys that somehow blend to harmony and blur to perfect melody I want you to find that inside of me Reflect back to you what I see Show you how all you want to be Is beaming out in rays of dreams How silent tears in endless streams Don't take away from anything How you are just worth everything I hope maybe one day you'll see That all the stars and songs in me Are played for you in one high key Of love, of hope, of lingering Floating hearts of pure feeling All I have you gave to me
Falling Rain
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