Well if you don’t take risk in life you will never accomplish anything

08 Jan 2025

I can’t wait for lunch to eat my chicken breast. That cream cheese has been sitting out for two days. That is what she said. Twiddle my thumbs and bend back my tongue. Not that it matters yet the verse was more than a song.

He is a thought not a matter of factual fiction where the mouse is on a clock and runs into the block. Tick tock is the sound of my mind like I’m stuck in time. You are laughing at the rhyme of another date and it’s late just to see if I’m kind? That is what she said. Yet I’m not exactly the one that knows everything. It does not matter if you get this, it does not matter that I’m writing this down all at once yet that’s not what she noticed but it happened all at once.

Well if you don’t take risks in life you will never accomplish anything. Well that is what she said….






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