
21 Nov 2014

She stands upon the rocky shore,
The night of her third year and score,
The wind tussling with her angel hair,
The waves licking her toes with tentative care.
The seagulls caw a warning cry,
And watch with a weary eye.

Tears trace her alabaster cheeks...
They've never known eyes could leak.
The salt mist caresses her downy skin...
How could she fly with feathers so thin?
Her spider-silk gown waves goodbyes,
Her chest heaves on small, grieving sighs.
The seagulls caw a warning cry,
And watch with a weary eye.

She walks along the craggy shore,
Oblivious as the sharp rocks score.
Her bare feet pad the ground,
Then she stops and looks around.
The seagulls caw a warning cry,
And watch with a weary eye.

Her chest heaves grieving sighs,
She looks around then up to the sky,
She blows a kiss to the air,
Then with head held high,
She walks down to Davy's lair...
The seagulls caw a warning cry,
And leave the shore with sorrow in their eyes.






Just someone trying to get through life hoping to read and share poetry with others.

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