The Monster of Quaker Wood

03 Feb 2016

Mental Journey
This is a story
Sad and true
About the scariest beast
You wish you knew
He’s known only as
The Monster of Quaker Wood

He was a strange beast 
No one quite knew
Just what he was
When they saw him through
Eyes petrified with fear!

He never knew why they ran
He never knew why they screamed
He was only trying to help
But no one seemed to understand

It is true, he was very different.
It was almost impossible to understand him
The problem was,
Everyone thought they understood.

He had a scary face
He looked angry
When he was only deep in thought
He looked violent
When he was excited to help
But he could not understand
Why they didn’t understand

One day he left the town
By the spring and the meadow
To search for others who would understand

Eventually he did find them
A scattered group from all over the world
They tried hard to see the beauty in him
And he appreciated them for that
With all his heart, he appreciated them
But when he opened up to some of them
The slowly drifted away

In despair, 
Sitting by his spring and his meadow
Looking in a glass smooth puddle
Freshly made from his monstrous tears
He saw for the first time
What everyone else saw
It was then he realized
It is not them, it is me,
It does not matter how nice I am
Or how much I want to help
I am just too different
They cannot understand me

Then at the sound of a scream
From a child who stumbled upon him,
Determined not to scare anyone again
He stood up, whispered, “I’m sorry.” softly
And walked off to his self-imposed prison,
Never to be seen again

Now time has passed
Memories of the monster have faded
But if you go for a walk
Along a spring by a meadow
Look very closely
You might find a trail of tears
Leading back into Quaker Wood

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Mental Journey

Mental Journey

I am on a journey of the mind. Contemplating the universe on every scale, and doing a complete introspective exploration. I may never be a literary academic, but I share my humble thoughts in hope that they may inspire others.

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