It's A Beautiful Day

23 Apr 2016

Mental Journey
On a day like today
Dreary and gray
I was complaining about everything

From out of the blue
My father stood next to me
And said, “I was once like you,

It was a day like today
Dreary and gray
I was complaining about everything
Then the door opened
Out came your grandpa
To stand next to me
He stretched out his arms
Took a deep breath
And said, ‘It’s a beautiful day!’
What’s so beautiful about it I said
With out looking at me
He said, ‘Because I woke up this morning.’
Then he turned and went inside
To leave me to think about his words

The more I thought about what he said,
The more I realized, he is right,
It’s a beautiful day!”

This is a one hundred percent true story.  I walked outside this morning and the grey world reminded me of this story and I wanted to share it with all of you.  I hope it helps you as it did me.

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Mental Journey

Mental Journey

I am on a journey of the mind. Contemplating the universe on every scale, and doing a complete introspective exploration. I may never be a literary academic, but I share my humble thoughts in hope that they may inspire others.

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