Spirit for causes

17 Oct 2016

Absinthe Friend
We sat drinking the spirit
Waiting for the pauses 
Listing lost causes
And denying our divinity .
The spirit is all consumed 
and so are we both
Waiting for the causes
Listing lost pauses
admitting we were wrong.
The spirit returns,
pauses and causes are oblivious,
to our disgruntled chatter.
They don’t matter anymore
We are lost in the time
in drunken stupor
a pleasing state,
for the bedevilled,
for the demonic, for the possessed 
For those guarded by angels and seraphims.
The pauses arrived, 
interspersed with causes
Lost and otherwise.
We see structure
We see sober
We see progress.
But we can’t combine
We can’t collaborate,
We are doomed to failure
So we drink the spirit
We see the promise, 
the glow of an ideal realised
We form bonds, we build, we help, we burn.
We ultimately fail,
Unable to forge together,
to maintain the synchronicity 
We can’t do it,
We recant the holy orders that bound us,
The brotherly bonds of fraternal vows,
separate now
We drink the spirit 
But it has consumed us.





Absinthe Friend

Greetings from the grim north of England !

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