Christmas in rehab

29 Apr 2004

The prospect of Christmas had brought little cheer,
With no special other to share with, that year:
Still hurting badly from love cruelly destroyed;
By mistrust, other nasties, Old Nick had deployed!
That many others worse off, so trite yet so true,
Brought home to me starkly, quite out of the blue!
A dear friend from our church, it so transpired,
To visit her daughter, some transport required.
In far distant rehab, lass sadly confined;
Take you to see her?...for sure I don't mind!
Centre's Christmas Eve bash...we both were invited,
But mingle with addicts?...I was less than excited!
The evening was a happy, resounding success;
The dear Lord us all with his bounty did bless!
A magnificent spread by the patients prepared;
To last tasty detail, no time, effort was spared!
Songs, comic turns and mock tableau to boot,
Side splitting laughter, the show a real hoot!
Exchange of presents was the evening's highlight,
As each one was opened, came squeals of delight!
'Midst joy of that night, I'm remorseful, distraught;
Why?...that "mingle with addicts" crap I had thought!
They're ordinary folk, just like you and I,
Whose lives had sadly gone badly awry!
Simple Christmas Day service, carols in open air,
Then free time for patients, with loved ones to share.
After lunch I lay down for an afternoon snooze,
Mother and child to spend time as they choose.
Christmas that year, an uplifting surprise;
Like Damascean Road, came scales from my eyes!
Judgemental jerk, so self-centred too,
To sort out my life, still much work to do!






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