Childhood Reminiscence

09 Jul 2010

Do you remember
Those sticky summer days
When we used to run barefoot, dirty,
Playing soccer in the road,
Swimming entire afternoons away.

Life was never dull then,
There was always time
To stop and bask
In the joy of the moment.

Do you remember the people we were
And the people we said we'd be?
Do those people still exist?
Or are they just memories now?

I can still see our smiles
They reached our eyes then
I can still taste our dreams
Like watermelon juice
Dripping down my chin
We were so much wiser
And yet so foolish in our innocence.

And though I can no longer hear our laughter
I still hear the echoes
Of our late night whispers
Of a friendship that will last forever
And though forever has been and gone
I still remember
Because I still believe in you.

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"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." - Dr Seuss

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