Ardent Sun

14 Apr 2012

BURN ARDENT SUN, sear the flesh and scorch the
wax of this unwholesome meat for loathe am 
I to chew this foetid cud! Ignite your
rays of retribution, blast the hag of
fate, who pours malod'rous bitter quaff in-
to the wretch's cup of my misfortune!
On this days dawn your spark imbued me, o'er 
the chiffon mist, oblivion's sweet breath, 
you gave me life and set my feet upon 
a golden road, so high and broad and splend'rous,
oh, those early hours in the golden
morning of my youth!
Then trusting, thrusting, flashing bold, I strode
into your radiant light. Oh, sun of my attrition! 
What youth could bear with such glorious vision?
Or act with due constraint, when all the worldly 
wonders lie in wait along destiny's lustrous road?
Too late in my day did I learn that hell itself 
is truly paved with gold. 
A mighty orb upon its apex in 
the sky, your journey through the heavens half 
complete, I paused to wipe my sweating brow, 
and wonder, what twisted wit would pave with jewels 
the nomad's wake across the desert sands?
Or place a gilded door upon the threshold of the abyss?
Behold the golden road to fortune at 
the outset of my life was but a narrow
winding path of weathered stones.
And now I stand late in my day in ruts
Of rock worn deep and smooth by multitudes 
Of blistered feet. The mist of half a lifetime
lies behind me, ahead the path ascends 
to mounds of blackest night waiting to consume
the twilight hours of my tormented life.
BURN ARDENT SUN, sear the flesh and scorch the
wax of this unwholesome meat for loathe am 
I to chew this foetid cud! Alas, too late do
I invoke you, your fire is even now 
consumed within the mist of my past. How I 
wish that you could hone your fiery blade upon the 
stone beneath my feet and raze this arid river where-
in I wade through stagnant pools of misery—to pools of 
carbon dust!






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