The master sighs

12 Jul 2012

she weeps for all those who suffer,
sobs giving way to mournful tunes
the strings cry in harmony
with the wonderful bitterness
that can be bestowed on us all
during the feast of lamentations
fingers nimbly caress the fiddle
as each note touches at the soul
each beat reflects a memory
her voice gives rise to reasons
of why it is we must mourn
in her song the Master sighs
in hopes that we not forget
those who travelled the middle passage
or went along the silk road
she grieves the passing of the dragon
the change of the kimono for furs
and the face of humanity now hidden
yet she loses no hope
that we can be redeemed
we must just remember







I am a button pusher. I stir up trouble. It is what I do. I live in the borders between light and dark. I can write about beautiful things, and joy and love, but I find I am more creative when i write about the dark. I love to hold a mirror up to the...

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