"Lisboa Kuya"

25 Mar 2014

This song
It makes my heart swell.
It makes my heart soar.

My heart is a dove.
See it fly.

I want to listen forever.
I want to sleep.
This song
will bless me
with sweet dreams.
It is my lullaby…

Swaddled in a language I do not know,
woven with music I understand,
this song speaks to my soul,
in such a lovely way.
“Thank you…”

This song.
Oh, this song.

It is The Sun.
It is summer.
It is a rose.
It is a daisy.
It is warm concrete in the heat of July under my cold feet.
It really is my love.

Closer to my heart,
than the redness
of my blood.

I can feel it.
Do you feel it?
The guitar?
The drum?

It is here…
All around,
surrounding me,
just as the air I breathe,
when this song

It is here.
And my spirit rejoices.
what glory,
to see,
to feel,
your spirit






I write poems every now and then, when the weight of my own thoughts gets too heavy for my mind.

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