Third Sonnet for Fawn

30 Apr 2015

To say or not to say, the question lies
Upon the mind, the tongue, the very breath
So quickly drawn with disregard for ties
That should the heart in silence bind ‘til death.
Change not the life thus made when hapless love
Doth freshly find its home in pastures new,
Or wrestle free, unleash, and so above
All else, fulfil the passion felt so true?
Where lies the answer when ‘tis known enough
That life without you beckons sure for her?
What point of tearing soul and heart so rough
When future fixed is all one can infer?
No diff’rence lies there: love’s such brutal gore
Dictates she's led to know you love her more.






I'm not real, sorry, I can't tell you my real name!

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