Mirror - Mirror

31 Oct 2017

Mirror – Mirror

Lives interweave
peripheral, intimate
and all shades in between
Yet, we play hide and seek,
like chameleons,
protecting the self

Seeing harried faces in traffic,
introspective on trains,
guarded around the office, a lift
Jovial family dinners 
feeling flushed with romance
masked everyday faces

Mirrors may grant glimpses
touching brave self
naked, authentic
often wistful

Pre-requisite masks
layers of bravado
and social niceties
seemingly effortless, 
an acceptable price to pay
But is it really?

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Respect and appreciation for the beauty and power of the written word, brought me here. Perhaps being a word miser myself shows in my few attempts posted here. I am often astonished and humbled by the resilience, diversity and power of our...

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