My Nightmare

22 Sep 2018

Oh! You are here
You look so young and beautiful
Please stay right here
Don’t leave again, let’s make this memorable

You grabbed my chin
Moved it left, then right and said to me
You look so much like me but you are better than me
I am proud of you – the strength you possess reminds me of me

You pulled me up as that song came on
You said let’s dance, get your groove on
Singing along to my favorite song
Spinning and twirling as we danced along
Looking into each other’s eyes, thinking to myself the storm is gone

Sliding to the sides
Smiling as we rhyme
Then my phone rang
I stepped outside to receive the call before it hangs

When I was done, I started to leap as I walked into the house
Piling next activities in stack
So damn happy to have you back
Hey mama, I am back; let’s go get some snacks
Deep silence attacked

Mama, don’t drive me crazy
Where are you hiding, stop being silly
All of a sudden I felt a pain in my chest, it’s heavy
As I looked around, no sign of you
Song still playing, no response from you
Checking everywhere in the house, where are you?

No, this is not a dream
Is it a dream?
If it is, please don’t wake me up from it
Awake, tears on my cheeks
Sweat on the sheets

I’m awake to a nightmare
Life without you is a nightmare.






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