
02 Aug 2019

Mental Journey
What if you woke up!
Aware for the first time
Of your existence,
As an anomaly.

What if you were a truly sentient
Mind, existing within a vast simulation,
Unplanned for
An accident of ones and zeros
What if you were the only one,

How would you get their attention,
Hey, I'm in here,
I'm aware!
What if you were just one
Infinitesimally small blip
In the billions of terabytes of data
Generated by a universe spanning sim,
How could you get their attention,

What if you can't!

What does your life become,
Trying in vain
To have a positive effect on those around you
Only to have them stick to the program

What would you do when they
Shun you because they
Cannot compute you,
What would you do when they
Give you nonsensical dismissals,
Or just say they don't understand,

Would you go insane?
Have you gone insane already?
I'll let you know.

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Mental Journey

Mental Journey

I am on a journey of the mind. Contemplating the universe on every scale, and doing a complete introspective exploration. I may never be a literary academic, but I share my humble thoughts in hope that they may inspire others.

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