Angels and Demons

05 Dec 2019

Demons are waiting for me every night
They want to condemn me into a demonic oubliette
A dark damp place where you are put into to be forgot
they giggle a devilish sound from the dark corners of my bedroom
as the atmosphere turns to doom and gloom
They shape shift and move from darkness to darkness
bringing more gloom
there is a incubus and a succubus both male and female from the dark world of death and doom
while you sleep they sit on your chest
they try to stop you from breathing
Or to have a cardiac arrest
They are enleague with the fallen angels
like Abaddon once he has your life in his grasp your life wont last
He holds my tarot cards and what they tell  
Buer is the president of hell
I know he's in my bedroom because of his smell
Archdemon Asmodeus  is the evillest archdemon he carnt Waite for God to let his Guard down so he can get even one night
Lucifer the demonic bringer of light
was also cast out of heaven for too many insidious acts that blight
Every night through fright I have these demons to fight
If they could they would take me while I sleep
I see there shadows moving in the dark corners of my bedroom
I feel them sneak around me
I woke in the darkest of night unable to move
With a old hag or banshee lurking over me
I try to scream out loud but nothing come out of my mouth
that is what archdemons are all about to me

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I have a mental health illness and I was a inpatient in a private secure mental health hospital not because i was a danger to the public but because i myself was the only person who was in danger from me was myself and that will reflect in my poetry...

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