It's over

06 Feb 2020

Who is what and what he does 
I don't even know anymore 
nor do I even care. 
Oh beautiful world and its people, 
I'm just too lost with all your gifts of destruction 
that I don't even know who was I and what have I become. 

For me the world is strange, too big and even smaller 
than the palms of my hands and thoughts in my brain. 
But I can't even think anymore 
for it's too late and I'm still inebriated 
in hallucinations of adult platforms and games 
which are otherwise banned in this place. 

Oh goodness how I wish I could do 
things that I'd often plan and I want, but 
this tickling never goes away 
for experiences that I'd like to have 
but don't think I'll get one now . 

People will tell you to just go and get what you want 
But they won't tell you that you'll still be nothing 
Unless you can't change who you are 
and this change will lead you inside caves of grief 
and some will then choose charming bed of codeine. 

You can complain like you do human 
that's all you're good at, 
while I'm too busy thinking of pleasant streets 
and imagining my life somewhere in B.C.s 
because I'm too inebriated to come back 
probably until I don't come wrapped in funeral sheets 
possibly via  ebay or flying carpet of Aladin.

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