Cosmic Sex

21 Feb 2020

Drool to your Quale
Wet tongue tips lewd guava erectile sap
-dripping catheter and puss-
Face to face with palpitating Pantaloon
Sphere Noosphere crumbles down for success, white viscous
Husk of shape churns inside from out.
Black hole destroyer of fantasy -physical pounding
Deeper Miss Black Hole deeper down she goes rabbit hole

Hello Mr. Hibiscus man!
The bus goes wobble and bonk 
The rumbling tarmac road.
Serenity in the green eyes of Mr. Hibiscus man
He smells the sex universal in the air
The moment is too great!
He sits looking out, can't believe the moment is granted once again
Again and again and again he hammers that reality straight in the hot juice
All even in the squeel of Cosmic Wheels.

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