Panic - Not So Pandemic - Part 1

03 Apr 2020

The idea of a virus spread across the world,
Like a wildfire with blazing flames
Fanned by the Media with uncanny passion.
Emotionalized stories aired with a motive
Of embedding the idea of the virus to be real,
>>>THEY SAY : “The virus is real”,
Into the minds of the audience & suffocating them

A virus that the so-called experts claim,
Can spread from people displaying
mild to no symptoms, of disease or illness
And that the virus is novel,  
Unknown to the Human system.
They claim that the only way to stop the spread
Is by LOCKING DOWN the public
And imprisoning them in their homes.

Encouraging people to stick to their TVs
And be updated of new cases of the virus & deaths.
Entrapping their minds in an illusory grid
Of subconscious programming & fear mongering.

I question, “Is there any accountability for this?”
“Who is verifying the credibility of these claims?”


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