Point of view- La Llorona

16 Apr 2020

azure warrior
And how is it that my tragedy
has been turned into myth?
one that has made me into a frightening,
abhorrent thing
- to be reviled
and who remembers my
who mentions him?
- my betrayer and defiler
he,- the true monster.
And why doesn't anyone speak
of my once innocence
my vulnerability
- by him?
Yes, I killed my children
and yes, I am sentenced to weep
throughout eternity
- not just for them,
- mis hijos
but for the truth behind these words:
" Hell hath no fury..."

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Myth, Legend



azure warrior

I have been writing poetry since my late teens. My usual topics are: society and politics, introspection, spirituality, nature and relationships. I have achieved some modest publishing successess, including 3 chapbooks and 3 books. Among the writers...

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