
21 May 2020

I saw you then, close friend, in secure comfort
Glowing in the dusk of Hans Strijdom Drive late 1980
TV-Room's transparent side curtains-
Brown checkered toddler table,
Its seat's yellow spunge in a tear,
Brave Star and a Chicken Drumstick...
I remember your maternal face 
Lovingly indicating the spoon.
I doubt you thought you were raising a fool
As I sat there strapped in for all life to absorb.

I wish I could talk to you,
But I only have perspective now because our bonds were cut.
To have had contact yet, what would I not know 
But to cherish you mostly?

We had a picnic at the swimming pool,
She was so happy and I could not understand-
But she knew then that she was creating a memory
Of how confused I was about how happy she was, once

I followed the woman around everywhere and to the mall,
And tours we did sharing thoughts and good patterns,
She was my teacher and with that also came its dragons,
A dear phone number I sorely miss

To reason and to give accord to
In another shape, another project
And then she calls you by the sweet nickname only she calls you.

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