
05 Jul 2020

Our culture is through songs and stories
Our expressions come out in dance
Our hearts are full of wonder
Our souls are deep within dreams
Our thoughts are mysteriously looking for love
If you feel lost in your life
Try to think of all the above
The world is very far from a perfect place
Sometimes it makes you feel it is full with wrongful blight
It's then if you follow a belief 
You should be tolerant
Reach out and follow your higher compassion
Or follow the light of your faith
Most of us are here to do good and true of heart
The few are here to do bad
It's them that will have to one day face God
Please do onto others
What you would want to be done onto you
And whoever or what type of person are you
I still say God bless you

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I have a mental health illness and I was a inpatient in a private secure mental health hospital not because i was a danger to the public but because i myself was the only person who was in danger from me was myself and that will reflect in my poetry...

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