object affection

05 Nov 2020

to appreciate the way you are built
this place is the ecology of the heart
though it does not pulsate, slap or slither 
-neither does it squirm
a space of this and that and how you feel
what the record shows
sequence of events
just like notes
listen to it lewdly when you are alone
the voices of people time has blown
in the caverns of your intimate mind alone
howling tunnels that blast sand and stone
	to spray
like the ocean foam when things blend inexorably
the tapestries of flavour we weave sensationally
-from plants and stars and thoughts of love
for what the heart can not allow to pass in its throbbing
is nothing to withhold,
to be alone forever to never speak your mind,
to be free to paint within the reverie of your intricasy,
that one might chance upon our sky
many bows of colour which object affection

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