
19 Feb 2021

The definition of reality is oxymoronic at best
Whatever it is called, some call it the Universe
Axiomatic a manifestation, you even see it take place
The whole package all together gives rise to the chase
Which is the same old lie of what you touch will die
What is real is right here to consider with your senses
The thing that has come to be is the very same thing
Which has to answer to consequence by consistence 
And observance is the very coming of the thing
Begging the point of its existence by means of getting
Assembled in the right net sequential events to consider 
In reference evaluations yield the facts empirical
So you point at it and call it real saying 
The whole universe should be real
Tell real what is not without reference 
To the egg in the nest of its night
Point at it from where you drift
To be created sent made
Maternal love completes
To have glorious children 
In meaning they become
Invaluable creatures
Inside the reel
Generous eyes stingy
The lamp of the body 
Buckets up on stands shine open 
Underneath leathery lids 
Some broken
Blinking white bone
The gaping teeth
The utterings of brevity
Muster your beef
Calculate a beat
Meaning gathers you know
And the message is pretty bleak
From the edge of a scimitar
To the scars of a bum
Dusk paints the same oils 
Wretched fingers clasp on
And even on self
With the blindness deepening on in
It carries on and on
Even in on
As it closes in
Lapping on the darkness 
Of the home run
Right here by the beige frames 
Where empty slots the album
'tis all good 'till it's done
The slit moon rouses fun
Say dimmet simmer welkin 
Smokin' dust wander come
Dog-bark ambiance-none
Riding in dreams 
Skyline wings adamance
Herb groving gardens
Red driving sun

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