Veins in my leaves

04 Mar 2021

I watch your circulatory system, pumping nutrients and chloroplast throughout your empire of veins.
I long to be one like you someday, where when I die I can decay.
To seep into your soil, and be one with the earth.
Your arms of branches embrace me tightly, reassuring I am safe.
Your cold leaves graze my paper thin skin, leaving soft kisses on every inch of my pale skin.
It's as if you can see right through me.
A transparent shell, where you can see my heart pump and my lungs inhale. I am just like you. 
Your empire and mine, although so different, are the same.
You nourish my earth and I worship every root of yours that holds you so deep into the soil I walk on.
Your broken bark and mossy skin, so delicate and so astonishing. 
You house every beautiful creation under your leaves, giving them shelter from every storm humankind reeks upon us.
Without your motherly whispering willows there would be no nourishment for the spirits and creatures that leave implants in your moist soil.
Your forests are chopped and burned yet there is still so much of you.
No matter how much hatred brought upon you, you still refuse to ever not shelter the crawlers who seek help around your stumps.
Wrap me up in your vines and seal me into you, you are all of every good creation, standing tall and prideful with your leaves swaying in the wind for decades to come.
You are the true mother of this earth, and we share the veins that run through our leaves.

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