Stand Your Ground

20 Sep 2021

Go on! I dare you!
Hit me with everything you have.
You'll never knock me down.
You'll never defeat me.
I am infinitely stronger than you.

Bite me? I don't think so. 
I won't let you. I know how to defend myself.

You think you can whip me into submission? 
Well you are wrong.
I can withstand your constant barrage, 
The more you throw at me, the more I'll deflect it.

It doesn't matter which direction you come from
I'm always ready for you, always prepared.

It's a pointless task. Why don't you just disappear like you always do.

There's an expression "It'll blow over". 

That's what'll happen to you, Winter wind.

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Hi all, 54 year old Scotsman looking for a new challenge to get the brain juices flowing.. I wrote a few poems a few years back and submitted them to a forum which regretfully closed unexpectedly. With a little more time on my hands now I thought...

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