Cannon Fodder

05 Aug 2022

During the dark of the night do the children sleep in peace
Or are they laying awake shaking with fear through the night
When will the missiles scream to announce they are again on their way
In the morning how many mothers will cry
For their emotions of grief are boiling too high 
Knowing that more of their children in the dark of the night did die
All because Putin wants to be seen by the world as an almighty leader with might
Does he not see himself as a child killer and a slaughterer of the innocent
It's my belief that his own children family and friends are safe from any war
Why is it that dictators put the innocent population as cannon fodder

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I have a mental health illness and I was a inpatient in a private secure mental health hospital not because i was a danger to the public but because i myself was the only person who was in danger from me was myself and that will reflect in my poetry...

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