
27 Jul 2006

She comes from the night sky,
Draped in opulent translucency, 
Led down the aisle toward our view,
and her master's;
She is to be betrothed to his reflection.
And her smile is decorated with his plumage,
Whilst her halo veils her pitted cheeks.
She sips at a milky elixir, 
then sleeps sound yet sinister.
She rests in the shadow of mortals,
Whose laboured art and dreams, 
pull at the train of her iridescent gown.
She emerges at dusk, divine. 
She lays bare; this celestial succubus, 
and tilts her head toward the stars.
To be adorned with their bright gaze.
She is the archetype of beauty.
This Jezebel, A lunar snare.






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