Don't thank me, thank my thoughts.

09 Oct 2006

Don’t thank me, thank my thoughts
They call it life worth living
They ruin it by abusing their minds
They crash it by the unclearness and unrectified vocabulary
They break it by the state of minds
They unchange it by the lack of knowledge
They unfulfil their dream puzzle by unseeking the truth
And still they have the courage to blame the world or should I rather say ‘reality’ for being otherwise…!
Change your thoughts for your sake, for you are the architect of your destiny
Change your ways and take responsibility for your life and actions, take an alternative, for thy will be able to leave a trail to be noticed by, but following the same path as others, will end you nowhere except where others are.
Change your vocabulary, for you are not only killing yourself, but also hurting those who care for you.
Change your habits, for thy are no different from other passers-bye still breathing
Change your view, try seeking what others don’t see, know, have, then that way, you’ll be proving to yourself and the public that ‘you’ are unique and there won’t be another creature like ‘you’. Start searching for the real ‘you’, not what you see in the mirror.
They spread gossip none-stop, indoors and outdoors to an extent one can’t imagine, it’s more and more becoming a culture of many.
They influence, discourage, and discard one from fulfilling his dreams
They make one descent, disfavor, discomfort and discreet from his well-being
They alienate, abominate, abort, and abuse thoughts from being original
Respect the ancient spirit of stewardship by looking well after the things you posses which are in your care. Be ‘you’ and know that you are the best ‘you’ in the world by being yourself always and making the most of what you are, and by doing so, you’ll be in the process of fulfilling your role in life.
They come and go, in and out, sometimes touch and sometimes untouch lives
They are met in streets, workplaces and even public places
They look good, smart, well, beautiful, and sometimes ugly
They call themselves “the good people” and sometimes “the bad people”
They trap themselves by doing what others do
They become hypocrites unaware of their habits
They live in their shadows and images
They accept anything good or bad that comes their way
Have a strong backbone in life, avoid pressure by providing yourself a substitute to become a greater people.
Don’t thank me instead of my thoughts, for I am only a creature with a heart in colors moving without knowledge or recognition, and my brain is one unique part I value the most amongst all parts, giving space for memory which is fruitful for art only to the extend that the estimative faculty of the mind is able to make use of it. Therefore, don’t thank me, thank my thoughts.

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