Can you find Pleiades

06 Nov 2006

Could you perchance find Pleiades, 
and hold it in your hand, I know I can’t 
nor could I chart the stars, map the planets 
or name all quasars, comets … galaxies  
all that’s out there and not loose my mind
Celestial bodies uncountable, sands of the sea
Waste of space in my limited understanding
Where did it all come from and when or why 
black deserts sparkling, twinkling, smiling
quintessence of concrete and abstract in one
Stars born, expire, they die and form again
Just gaze into the night through polluted skies
into the Heavens but with unpolluted mind
stare into it all and fall upwards, yes upwards
enormous, don’t you feel small. I know I do, 
think of the sun, the ancient one and ponder
Belligerently, bludgeoning, bellicose fashion
can I request of it to loose one day for me
I say thee nay, nor can I loosen Orion’s belt 
or command a single flower not to bloom
Mind baffled and challenged and left in awe
Ever expanding, multiplying exponentially
Arms akimbo, head spinning out of control 
Colours exploding new hues, shades forming
Light bending and straightening frivolously  
a living picture on a canvas beyond measure
What if the answer came strange but true
For One can hold Pleiades in His Hand
indeed, "I can" says The Lord of Hosts
as for the sun, command it to loose one day
Orion’s Belt needs loosening, He but speaks
the “waste of space” has meaning, reason
and purpose, does it not … I know it does
no accident, no freak event, no blind chance
could it be just One Intelligent God at work 
all made by Him for us to know His Glory …

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