A new beginning

12 Dec 2007

Misty winter morning in dusty windows. 
Bare walls - ghosts of memories. 
In a stupor, I stagger room to room, 
already a stranger. 
Neighbors descend, like jackals, 
slavering over remnants of my past - 
feigned empathy in their eyes, greed on their minds.
They leave, chattering excitedly.
My life, neatly packed in two bags, 
32 kilos each, tied with a rope for safety,
waits for me by the door.
Uneventful ride to the airport. 
Forced laughter, empty promises. 
Hurried goodbyes. 
I walk through the gate, not looking back,
and only later, 
all buckled up and peeking through a window-telescope
at the city and country that used to be mine,
do I begin to convulse in uncontrollable sobs.

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I was raised in Russia and moved to the States at the tender age of 16. Been writing poetry since I was 11 years old. It is my favorite way of spending time:)

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