
17 Apr 2024

In the darkness before dawn
I stand by the open window
And in my mind there are
Curtains swaying like ghosts

The comforting silence hangs
Entwined with the blue hue
As the moon wanes and stars
Fade over the garden I see

Silhouettes made of hedges
And trees where they were
In a memory planted once
Against a paling firmament

I inhale the fresh cool air
And it soothes my weary soul
I deeply love how the process
Takes all the time it requires

To bring about the shadows
To take them to their knees
It is done soft and smooth
So that no moment is wasted

Consciously savor the rich 
Aroma applying active thought
For it is a cheap cliché when
They tell you to get into flow

That it is stupid to consider
Past events or future dreams
But one has to try to stop
Time from passing and fail

To know that one has tried
And by means of the attempt
Finally have succeeded then
-It is void without effort

Don't let them sell it you
To drugs and good feelings
Make an effort to fail it
And you would have passed

I know you've already tried
And so you have already won
As the clouds run with milk
I just had to let you know

The sun will go down again
To bring the brilliance back
Into the wonder that is night
Where we rest in completion

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